Company Missions & Values

Almanac Dance Circus Theatre is a contemporary circus company that creates opportunities to experience the vicarious thrill of performance without barriers. Unlike other performance companies with a singular focus, Almanac uses a collection of genres to push physical limits and put raw humanity on display. We believe that the artful sharing of original stories is a service to humanity, which is why Almanac gives you access to a little bit (or a lot of) everything. The deep themes and narrative structures of Almanac’s hybrid work takes circus beyond “spectacle” into the realm of exploring our innermost truths.
We center meaning and transmission over the pretty, the perfect, or the precious.

Almanac aims to connect people across borders and harness the dual seriousness and ridiculousness of circus for art, training, and outreach. We recognize the challenge of producing and accessing art under colonial capitalism, which is why Almanac strives to make our work as accessible as possible. We seek to be held accountable to the communities we move within, and are always working towards more equitable performative and administrative models.

As educators and community builders, Almanac facilitates open environments of learning and skill-building with a culture that centers consent, the imagination, and healthy risk-taking. As producers, we focus on the voices and values of our community and the artists we present, to provide makers and attendees with the resources and support they desire.

Almanac’s company members and extended community encompass a rich multitude of experiences and identities, which informs the stories that we share and how, where, and why we share them. We believe that Black Lives Matter and commit to the ongoing work of dismantling white supremacy in ourselves, our work, and the arts in general. As a company comprised of predominantly LGBTQ individuals we are committed to the fight for, and embodiment of, Queer and Trans liberation. We believe that all bodies and abilities should be celebrated and aim to be accomplices to the movement towards justice for fat, disabled, and neurodivergent people. We believe that sex work is work and must be decriminalized.

We believe in the power and pleasure of art and community oriented towards liberation.